Our values.
At Lof, we envision a world where homes are filled with New Zealand wool instead of synthetic materials. Our mission is to craft of most responsible and regenerative textiles possible. We are committed to supporting a fairer value chain and designing a healthier world.
Embracing the design challenge for a sustainable future. As designers, we recognize the profound impact our decisions have on the environment and society. Eighty percent of a product, service, or system’s environmental footprint is decided during the design stage (Thakara, John. In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World). In addition, the typical textile supply chain is unjust to workers and detrimental to the environment. In the face of a global textile crisis, we refuse to be passive bystanders. We feel a moral obligation to our fellow humans and the planet to craft only beautiful, useful, and responsible products. We advocate for a paradigm shift where sustainability becomes ingrained in the very fabric of the design business model—focused on lasting impact rather than fleeting gains. We aspire to redefine the norm and invent a new way of conducting business, with a commitment to reshape the future.
Embracing circular design for lasting environmental impact. At the heart of our design philosophy is a commitment to sustainability, and we achieve this by centering all our collections around a singular, natural fiber: 100% New Zealand wool. Our material-led approach is not just about creating beautiful products; it's a conscious decision to prioritize the well-being of people and the earth. New Zealand wool, abundant and local, stands as a sustainable resource that, at the end of its life, can be composted, returning valuable nutrients to the soil. We believe that wool is the ideal alternative to plastic textiles in our homes. By embracing this material, we align our designs with the inherent harmony of nature, following its perfect rhythms. Nature operates without waste; everything serves a purpose, much like a mandarin peel becomes nourishment for microorganisms and the soil, maintaining a seamless cycle of harmony. Committed to circular design principles, we exclusively use mono-materials that are easily separable for efficient upcycling into new products. Acknowledging the finite nature of natural resources, we adopt a frugal approach to materials, ensuring a mindful and sustainable use of resources.
Embracing fairness in the wool value chain. Lof is dedicated to reshaping the narrative of New Zealand wool farming and manufacturing. We staunchly believe in fostering a fair and ethical supply chain, one that empowers local communities and establishes equitable returns within the wool value chain. Traditionally, wool growers receive a disproportionate share of the retail price, neglecting the true costs involved. This inequity jeopardizes our local manufacturing and wool-growing capabilities. The current crisis in the strong wool sector, marked by plummeting prices and oversupply, highlights the urgency of redefining this model. Our approach is different. We champion the fair chain concept by directly sourcing local wool from growers, paying a substantial premium above market prices. We process and manufacture the wool using highly skilled local makers, contributing to the resilience of our regional communities. The crisis in the wool sector is not just an economic challenge; it's a threat to the very fabric of our communities. By implementing fair chain principles, we strive to reverse the trend, creating a sustainable model that supports our farmers, preserves local manufacturing expertise, and, ultimately, revitalizes the wool industry.
Fair Chain.
A personal journey with New Zealand wool. Our commitment to provenance goes beyond a mere acknowledgment of origins; it's a deeply personal journey that defines every thread of our products. From our design studio on Waiheke Island, we create products from farm-sourced local wool, that are proudly processed and made entirely in New Zealand. In our pursuit of transparency, we trace the roots of our materials to the very farms they originate from. This means establishing genuine relationships with the people who form the supply chain. From sharing meals with wool growers on their farms to meeting spinners and knit manufacturers over lunch, we forge connections that create meaningful products. By eliminating anonymity in the supp transactions, we aim to restore a sense of personal connection between growers, designers, and makers. Knowing everyone along our local value chain, especially at the farm level, is embedded in our design and business model. As we build these connections, we aim to inspire hope among farmers and set a precedent for the collaboration between designers and growers.
Designing healthier spaces for a better wellbeing. Recognizing that people spend about 90% of their time indoors, we advocate for design that prioritizes healthier materials in built environments. Indoor air and noise pollution, along with a disconnect from nature, significantly impact our health, influencing stress levels, sleep disorders, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. Surprisingly, indoor air pollution surpasses outdoor levels, attributed to toxins like Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) released from common household items. We champion healthy environments that address psychological and physical needs, emphasizing nature, natural light, calming acoustics, and fresh air. We see Wool as a wellness material, offering air filtration, sound absorption, and a chemical-free environment. Our functional, natural textile products using wool contribute to cleaner air and calmer acoustics, alleviating chemical and stress burdens for spaces that promote physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.